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ArtLab J for GROWN-UPS

Aimed toward adult individuals of varying levels of experience, ArtLab J for Grown-ups meet once a week with the idea of creating a healthy and artistic environment to develop one’s creativity. Individuals will explore ways to create and develop movement, motivating them to push their limits and to reach beyond through unique methods that meld traditional techniques and aesthetic. Working as a team, we will aid participants in building confidence, trust, and developing their sense of self. 

In class we typically begin with a solid warm-up that includes deep stretching, easy combinations that use the floor to support our bodies, and basic standing technique combinations strengthening our feet, knees and hips. The second part of class varies from week to week, and can include: contemporary style combinations that move across the floor, experimenting with partnerwork, learning short choreography phrases, and exploring both individual and group movement through improvisation. In the creation portion of the program, we collaborate to build a work to present at the end of the season giving a chance to share with friends and family. This unique process embraces both choreography and inspiration from the dancers’ own creative movement. Building trust, confidence, and camaraderie, dancers will experience the many benefits that come from using movement to communicate individual expression. All levels of experience are welcome, as we are happy to tailor the structure of the class and our piece to support every dancer’s comfort level. Although the program caters to dance, we hope participants feel that they have gained an important life experience.




18663 Livernois, Detroit MI 48221

10 weeks + rehearsal & performance

3 P.M. - 4 P.M. Contemporary Dance Class

One-Time Payment $400

Meet Assistant Director

Kasi Seguin

Below is a letter written by the Assistant Director of the ArtLab J for Grown-ups program Kasi Seguin. We hope by offering this letter to you all to read, you can begin to understand more about our program, and about Kasi.

Dear Dancers,

I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself to anyone interested in dancing this season with ArtLab J’s Grown-ups, which is a new and exciting endeavor for me. My name is Kasi Seguin, and I have been working with ArtLab J in various capacities from the Detroit Dance City Festival and Detroit Dance Race to teaching children and adult classes and community outreach from its beginning in 2012 until around 2015. I recently returned in January of 2020 to primarily work on the planning and execution of the Detroit Dance City Festival. I’m thrilled that Joori has asked me to work with the Grown-ups this year, so I want to share with you a bit about my dance background, and my hopes for the upcoming season.



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